
Humankind steam download free
Humankind steam download free

Will you be the one to leave the deepest mark on the world? The player with the most fame will win the game. Every great deed you accomplish, every moral choice you make, every battle won will build your fame and leave a lasting impact on the world. Fame is a new and unifying victory condition. LEAVE YOUR MARK ON THE WORLD - The journey matters more than destination.Combine them to build your own vision of the world Each game element is historically authentic. Discover the natural wonders of the world or build the most remarkable creations of humankind. MORE THAN HISTORY, IT’S YOUR STORY - Face historical events, take impactful moral decisions, and make scientific breakthroughs.Each culture will add its own special gameplay layer, leading to near-endless outcomes. From humble origins as a Neolithic tribe, transition to the Ancient Era as the Babylonians, become the Classical era Mayans, the Medieval Umayyads, the Early Modern era British, and so on. Combine up to 60 historical cultures as you lead your people from the Ancient to the Modern Age.Once you're done, easily share it with friends and foes alike across social networks.Ĭan't find your game? Suggest a game or vote for it on our Ideas portal. Grab the clips you love most, give it a quick trim if you like, or move to the video editor to combine them into an epic collage. See the best (and not so best) moments, review your APM speed, and relive the game. Once the match is over, you can flip through your captured clips in the match timeline. While playing, the app automatically captures your best moments and biggest plays, as well as manually recording on demand. Outplayed is the ultimate video capturing app for gamers.

Humankind steam download free